It is really important that your child attends school every day. If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please phone the school office 0117 3772678 before 9.00am so you can leave a message for our school staff. If we have not heard from you, we will attempt to contact you. If we do not receive a valid reason for absence we will not authorise the absence. Unauthorised absences could result in a fine.
If you would like to fill out a child's leave of absence form electronically, you can download them from the link below:
School starts at 8.45am. Registers close at 9:00am and children arriving between 9:00am and 9:10am will be recorded as late. A child arriving after 9:10am will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. Lateness is unfair on the children and the teacher. Please make every effort to be on time every day.
After school arrangements
Please ensure your child is clear about the arrangements for them after school and let the class teacher know. If these arrangements change please contact the school in advance.
If you are going to be late to collect your child it would be helpful if you could telephone the school. Children will be waiting in the office from 3.25pm for collection. We do keep a record of children that are collected late and will need to talk to you if this occurs regularly.
To see Our Pupils' Attendance Policy Click here