Knowle Park Primary School

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Queenshill Road, Knowle Park, Bristol BS4 2XG


Knowle Park Primary School

  1. Information
  2. SEND

 Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information


At Knowle Park Primary School we recognise that our pupils have a variety of needs and aspirations. We are committed to the inclusion of all pupils in a broad and balanced curriculum which is made accessible through differentiated activities. 

Some children and young people who have a Special Education Need may have a disability under the Equality Act 2010 – that is ‘…a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’

The Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) has day-to-day responsibility for the operation of our SEND policy and coordination of specific provision made to support individual pupils with SEND, including those who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The SENCO is supported by our pastoral deputy head who is the designated teacher for Children in Care, Special Guardianship and Adopted Children. Our SENCO are Rosie Soulsby and Kate Langley, and our pastoral deputy is Tim Jones. 


For further information please refer to the links below:


Statutory guidance SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years can be found HERE

 Information on Bristol City Council's SEND Local Offer can be found HERE

KPPS SEND Funding and Impact Review 22-23 can be found HERE