Knowle Park Primary School

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Queenshill Road, Knowle Park, Bristol BS4 2XG


Knowle Park Primary School

  1. Information
  2. SEND Support for Parent/Carers

Supporting Your Child with SEND needs at home

For a helpful websites to support parent/carers with children with ADHD and ASC traits.


Parents awaiting an autism assessment for their child

There is currently a very long waiting list in the Bristol area for an autism assessment and it can be a frustrating process trying to contact services to find out how far down the waiting list your child is.

There is a general phone number you can call to find this out, 03001256206, but you may have more luck e-mailing the autism hub on


I have saved the most important part till last! Living through this pandemic and having to educate your child at home is incredibly challenging and has taken a toll on parent’s and children’s well-being. All staff at Knowle Park Primary School put children’s well-being ahead of anything else so, please look after yourselves and your children. It is more important to us that your children are happy than they can add improper fractions!

For more Well-Being support  for your child, yourself and your family  CLICK HERE

For more SEND support ideas CLICK HERE


School Nursing Request for Support  CLICK HERE