Religious Education
Parents & carers have a legal right to withdraw their child from RE, regardless of the type of school or whether it has a religious designation.
Term |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
1 |
2 |
Christianity -Christmas |
F.O.L. Week |
Diwali |
Diwali |
Eid |
Hanukah |
Eid |
Diwali |
Christingle |
3 |
Lunar New Year |
4 |
Christianity- Easter story |
Special Books |
What Do Muslims Celebrate? |
Why Is Easter Important? |
5 |
Identity and Belonging |
Stories of Hinduism |
6 |
What Do Hindus Celebrate? |
Who Was Buddha? |
Sikh Rites of Passage |
What Happens When We die? |
Religious Education is an important element in the broad and balanced curriculum we aim to provide at Knowle Park Primary School. Through our RE curriculum we provide opportunities to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of world religions by visiting a variety of places of worship and inviting visitors from all the faith religions from within our local community.
Teaching RE throughout the year groups allows our children to reflect on the challenging questions that the different Religions and life provokes. They are provided with the opportunity to learn what the religions believe about moral life dilemmas and forgiveness.
In our ever changing world it is essential for children to consider the sustainable questions we are presented with in the modern world and how these are regarded within the religions. For example the religious creation stories and beliefs around sustainability and citizenship of the created world. Our children are provided with opportunities to reflect on the diversity of religious beliefs and consider how those beliefs impact on their lives and the lives of others. Children are able to have time for personal reflection where our children can explore their own beliefs and spirituality even if not religious.
The scheme:
At KPPS, we follow the Planbee scheme. Their principles are for every lesson to be:
- Enjoyable
- Equitable
- Coherent
- cohort-relevant
- creative
- flexible.
All lessons will include:
- Oracy starters which are linked to the lesson
- A recap prior learning from the previous lesson(s)
- A recap of vocabulary for the unit.
- Plenty of discussion and higher order thinking.
- The lessons will enable our children to learn about a faith or learn from a faith.
The children at KPPS will:
- Deepen their reflection on questions of meaning, offering their own thoughtful and informed insights into religious and non-religious views of life’s meaning and purpose.
- Explore fundamental questions of beliefs and values in relation to a range of contemporary issues.
- Consider their own beliefs, values and attitudes and become more tolerant of the beliefs, values and attitudes of others.
- Be equipped with strong skills to consider issues of community cohesion, diversity and religious understanding.
- Contribute significantly to their own academic progress and their personal development.