Knowle Park Primary School

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Queenshill Road, Knowle Park, Bristol BS4 2XG


Knowle Park Primary School

  1. Children
  2. Year 5


Teacher: Miss L Forrest - Y5 Lead. 


Teacher: Miss Dite. 


Teacher: Miss Seymour / MissRobbins.


TA: Miss Davies

TA: Mrs  Welsman

For helpful online learning websites click HERE

Welcome to Year 5 at Knowle Park Primary School.

We have an exciting year ahead where your child will be enthralled, engaged and excited about their learning. We will be sharing some thrilling stories such as The Jamie Drake Equation, Wolf Brother and Clockwork which will inspire the children with their writing. We will cover all areas of Maths to ensure keen mathematicians. Our topics will cover the Anglo Saxons and Vikings, the history of flight, Space, Sound and much more. As well as this, the children will be inspired by the work of different artists, scientists, explorers, musicians and people from different backgrounds and times in history. Also, we have some fun, educational trips throughout the year. We can’t wait.

Click HERE to see what we will be learning about.

Click HERE for  our Term 4 homework project.

Click HERE for all of Term 4 spellings.